Since the inception of the high school in 2009, GCA has maintained 100% graduation and 100% college or military acceptance with most of our graduates receiving scholarship offers.


Schedule a visit. It is always helpful to observe firsthand the environment of Grace Christian Academy.

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At Grace Christian Academy, we believe that education must have Christ as the center of all learning.

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Student Life

Our development of a Uniform Policy is driven by a desire to create and promote an environment

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Welcome To Grace Christian Academy

If you allow your children to be educated by Romans, you will get Romans.” The decision parents have to make concerning where to educate their children can be a difficult one with endless ramifications. It behooves the Christian parent, though, to make that decision from a Biblical worldview. Unfortunately, the data shows that we Christians tend to make our decisions the same way the world around us does. We are warned throughout the Scriptures that being friends with the world makes us enemies with God. Colossians 2:8 states, “See to it that no one takes you captive by philosophy or empty deceit, according to human tradition, according to the elemental spirits of the world, and not according to Christ.” Grace Christian exists to make a Christ-centered and classical education available to as many Christian families as we can. It’s never a bad time to call and find out more!

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Videos Classical Christian Education

GCA Gala Highlight 2022

GCA Gala Testimonies 2022

GCA Gala Keynote 2022

Gallery GCA Photos

Our Sponsors

Thank You to Our Sponsors

Thank you Bespoke Motor Group for your support.

Thank you Matelsky Building Group for your support.

Thank you Arleigh Road Management for your support.

Thank you Empire State K9 Services for your support.

Thank you G&F Systems for your support.

Thank you Center 3 Consulting for your support.

Latest School Blogs

September 8, 2023

The Exponential Growth of Classical…

On a Monday morning 17 years ago, Russ Gregg quit…

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September 8, 2023

Classical Education: An Attractive School…

Parents looking for an alternative to traditional public schools have…

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May 19, 2021

When parents ask you why…

An Apology for Latin and Math Many who are attracted…

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